
gary v on a magazine

The 80/20 Rule , Gary V., and your Social Media Ad Strategy

September 3, 2019
Social Media is the wild west. Some new services rise quickly and folks will flock; some to sell access (pickaxes) and some to sell services (mining companies). Gary V. of VaynerMedia recently dropped a nugget: ‘TikTok is the next big thing’ (to him). This caused quite the ruckus on Reddit as anecdotal stories poured in… Continue reading The 80/20 Rule , Gary V., and your Social Media Ad Strategy

What if billboard ads were as easy to place as PPC?

May 9, 2019
The ease of PPC, PPM, OTT and PMPs have spoiled us when it comes to traditional media. Many outlets like newspapers and TV stations still do not have online portals for placing ads. Billboard providers like Lamar have dabbled in it, but not dove right in. Enter Blip Billboards – the billboard marketplace solution Blip… Continue reading What if billboard ads were as easy to place as PPC?

Fiverr Logos – are they worth it?

April 17, 2019
If you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, musician, or similar – we’ve all thought it. You’ve seen the Fiverr Logo marketing. You’ve gotten local designer quotes. Why go through the trouble of paying a designer when I can go on Fiverr and get a logo for $5? That’s a good question, and I’m going… Continue reading Fiverr Logos – are they worth it?